Yannis Frangopoulos

Yannis Frangopoulos is a sociologist – anthropologist (BA Theology, AUTH Greece., MA. Sociology, UCL Belgium., MA. Soc. Anthropology UCL Belgium., DEA Ethnology, EHESS-Paris., Ph.D. Sociology. UCL Belgium). He is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Spatial Planning and Development, AUTH, with the subject “Sociology of Space” and coordinator of the “Research Group of Sociospatial, Cultural, Cartographic Analysis and Planning” – SPACE (https://space.web.auth.gr/ ). He has developed educational and research activities on issues related to the sociological and anthropological approach to urban and rural space, socio-spatial analysis based on qualitative and quantitative data, social segregation and inequality in the city, ethno-cultural identities, minorities and new migrant groups. He carried out extensive socio-anthropological research in the mountainous zone and the city of Xanthi, in Athens and Thessaloniki. He has participated in various research projects in Greece, including comparative European ones, as coordinator (LSE Hellenic Observatory), as researcher in the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses (LDSA) and the South and East European Development Center (SEED) of University of Thessaly and recently at DG-HOME AMIF project on Volunteering Among Immigrants. He has published a monograph concerning the ethnocultural and religion muslim minority of Pomaks in Greece, a co-authoring book about relations between space and cultural representations and social practices. He has published numerous articles in refereed journals, chapters in edited volumes, as well as research reports and working papers, on issues related to the topic of the proposed research.

email: yfrago@plandevel.auth.gr

Recent publications

Kourkouridis, D.,  Frangopoulos, Y. and  Kapitsinis, N.,   (2023).  Socio-economic effects of trade fairs on host cities from a citizens  perspective: The case of Thessaloniki, Greece,  International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 1758-2954,  DOI 10.1108/IJEFM-10-2022-0078

Pechlidou, E.,  Frangopoulos, Y. and Hatziprokopiou, P. (2020). “The spatial management of the “migration crisis” and local opposition: Public discourse, actors and reactions against refugee accommodation in Thessaloniki”, Markou, A., Zlatkova, M. (eds), Post-Urbanities, Cultural Reconsiderations And Tourism In The Balkans, Athens, Herodotos, pp.138-160.

Frangopoulos, Y. (2019). “Socio-spatial relations, representations and politics of difference: The Muslim Minority and the Pomaks”, Athens, Alexandreia (book in Greek).