Selected bibliography on refugees’ solidarity cities

Agustín, O. G. and Jørgensen, M. B. (2021). On transversal solidarity: An approach to migration and multi-scalar solidarities. Critical Sociology, 47(6) 857–873.

Agustín, O. G. and Jørgensen, M. B. (2019). Solidarity cities and cosmopolitanism from below: Barcelona as a refugee city. Social Inclusion, 7(2), 198–207.

Ataç, I., Rygiel, K. and Stierl, M. (2021). Building transversal solidarities in European cities: Open harbours, safe communities, home. Critical Sociology, 47(6), 923–939.

Ataç, I., Rygiel K. and Stierl, M. (2016). Introduction: The contentious politics of refugee and migrant protest and solidarity movements: Remaking citizenship from the margins. Citizenship Studies, 20(5), 527–544.

Baban, F. and Rygiel, K. (eds) 2020. Fostering Pluralism through Solidarity Activism in Europe Everyday Encounters with Newcomers. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bauder, H. (2021). Urban solidarity: Perspectives of migration and refugee accommodation and inclusion. Critical Sociology, 47(6), 875–889.

Bauder, H. (2021). Urban migrant and refugee solidarity beyond city limits. Urban Studies, 58(16), 3213–3229.

Bauder, H. (2020). Migrant solidarities and the politics of place. Progress in Human Geography, 44(6), 1066–1080.

Bauder, H. (2016). Sanctuary cities: policies and practices in international perspective. International Migration, DOI: 10.1111/imig.12308

Benoît Carbone, M. (2023). Migrants, refugees, invaders: responses to the Riace Model’s inclusive citizenship project. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1354571X.2023.2198288

Cabot, H. 2020. Solidarity in Greece and the Management of Difference. In McKowen, K. and Borneman J. (eds.) Digesting Difference, Migrant Incorporation and Mutual Belonging in Europe (pp.227-249). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Cantat, C. 2021. Refugee solidarity across the Balkan route Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(2), 1348–1369.

Darling, J. and Bauder, H. (2019). Sanctuary Cities and Urban Struggles. Rescaling Migration, Citizenship, and Rights. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Darling, J. (2017). Forced migration and the city: Irregularity, informality, and the politics of presence. Progress in Human Geography41(2), 178–198.

Della Porta, D. (ed.) (2018). Solidarity mobilizations in the “refugee crisis”. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fisher, L. and Jørgensen, M.B. (2021). “We are here to stay” vs. “Europe’s best hotel”: Hamburg and Athens as Geographies of Solidarity. Antipode, 53(4), 1062–1082.

Fotaki, M. 2021. Solidarity in crisis? Community responses to refugees and forced migrants in the Greek islands. Organization, 29(2), 295–323.

Jørgensen, M. B., and Schierup, C.-U. (2021). Transversal solidarities and the city: An introduction to the special issue. Critical Sociology, 47(6), 845–855.

Hatziprokopiou, P., Frangopoulos, Y. and Montagna, N. (2016). Migration and the city. Diversity, migrant economies and urban space. Introduction. City, 20(1), 52–60.

Kanellopoulos, K., Duru, D. N., Zschache, U., Loukakis, A., Kousis, M. and Trenz, H.-J. (2021). Transnational solidarity, migration, and the refugee crisis: (In)Formal organising and political environments in Greece, Germany, and Denmark. Sociological Research Online26(3), 717–738.

Kapsali, M. and Karaliotas, L. (2021). Equals in solidarity: Orfanotrofio’s housing squat as a site for political subjectification across differences amid the “Greek Crisis”. Antipode, 53(2), 399–421.

Koos, S. and Seibel, V. (2019) Solidarity with refugees across Europe. A comparative analysis of public support for helping forced migrants. European Societies, 21(5), 704–728.

Kourachanis, N. 2019. From Camps to Social Integration? Social Housing Interventions for Asylum Seekers in Greece. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 39 (3/4), 221–234.

Kox, M. and van Liempt, I. (2022). “I have to start all over again.” The role of institutional and personal arrival infrastructures in refugees’ home-making processes in Amsterdam. Comparative Population Studies, 47, 165–184.

Kreichauf, R. and Mayer, M. (2021). Negotiating urban solidarities: multiple agencies and contested meanings in the making of solidarity cities. Urban Geography, 42(7), 979-1002.

Lafazani, O. (2018). Homeplace Plaza: Challenging the border between host and hosted. South Atlantic Quarterly, 117(4), 896–904.

Lambert, S. and Swerts, T. (2019). “From sanctuary to welcoming cities”: Negotiating the social inclusion of undocumented migrants in Liège, Belgium. Social Inclusion, 7(4), 90–99.

Mayer, M. (2018). Cities as sites of refuge and resistance. European Urban and Regional Studies , 25(3), 232-249.

Meeus, B., Beeckmans, L., van Heur, B. and Arnaut, K. (2020). Broadening the urban planning repertoire with an ‘arrival infrastructures’ perspective. Urban Planning, 5(3), 11–22.

Meeus, B., Arnaut, K. and van Heur, B. (2019). Arrival Infrastructures. Migration and Urban Social Mobilities. Palgrave Macmillan.

Milan, C. and Chiodi, L. 2022. Grassroots European Solidarity Italian Solidarity Movements in the Western Balkans in the 1990s and 2020s and Their Visions of Europe. Southeastern Europe, 46, 248–270.

Mosselson, A. 2021. Cities of sanctuary in environments of hostility: Competing and contrasting migration infrastructures. Antipode, 53(6), 1725–1744.

Oosterlynck, S., Loopmans, M., Schuermans, N., Vandenabeele, J. and Zemni S. (2016). Putting flesh to the bone: looking for solidarity in diversity, here and now. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(5), 764-782.

Ozdemir, G.S. (2022). Urban solidarity typology: A comparison of European cities since the crisis of refuge in 2015. Cities, 130, 103976.

Papataxiarchis, E. (2022). An ephemeral patriotism: The rise and fall of ‘solidarity to refugees’. In Kousis, M., Chatzidaki, A. and Kafetsios, K. (eds.) Challenging Mobilities in and to the EU during Times of Crises The Case of Greece. Springer (pp. 163–184).

Papatzani, E., Hatziprokopiou, P., Vlastou-Dimopoulou, F. and Siotou, A. (2022). On not staying put where they have put you: Mobilities disrupting the socio-spatial figurations of displacement in Greece. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(18), 4383–4401.

Papatzani, E., Psallidaki, T., Kandylis, G. and Micha, I. (2022). Multiple geographies of precarity: Accommodation policies for asylum seekers in metropolitan Athens, Greece. European Urban and Regional Studies, 29(2) 189–203.

Patteri A. (2022). “Where migrants are, where they gather”: exploring solidarity on the move in Calais after the “jungle”. Mobilities, 17(6), 867–884.

Pechlidou, Ε., Frangopoulos, Υ. and Hatziprokopiou, P. (2020). The spatial management of the “migration crisis” and local opposition: Public discourse, actors and reactions against refugee accommodation in Thessaloniki. In A. S. Markou & M. Zlatkova (Eds.), Post-urbanities, cultural reconsiderations and tourism in the Balkans (pp. 137–160). Athens: Éditions Hêrodotos.

Ramírez March, A. 2022. Humanitarian capture, solidarity’s excess: Affect, experience, and the mobile commons in migrant solidarity. Antipode, 54(2), 567–585.

Rozakou, K. (2017). Solidarians in the land of Xenios Zeus. Migrant deportability and the radicalisation of solidarity. In Dalakoglou, D. and Agelopoulos, G. (eds) Critical Times in Greece. Routledge.

Rozakou, K. (2017). Solidarity# humanitarianism: The blurred boundaries of humanitarianism in Greece Authors. Etnofoor, 29(2), 99–104.

Rozakou, K. (2016). Socialities of solidarity: revisiting the gift taboo in times of crises. Social Anthropology, 24(2), 185–199.

Rozakou, K. (2012). The biopolitics of hospitality in Greece: Humanitarianism and the management of refugees. American Ethnologist, 39(3), 563–578.

Sabchev, T. (2022). Potential and limits of municipal solidarity with refugees: A case study of the Greek island of Tilos. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2022.2077502.

Saltiel, R. (2020). Urban arrival infrastructures between political and humanitarian support: The ‘refugee welcome’ mo(ve)ment revisited. Urban Planning, 5(3), 67–77.

Siim, B. and Meret, S. (2021). Patterns of reflective solidarity and migrant resistance in Copenhagen and Berlin. Critical Sociology, 47(2), 219–233.

Trimikliniotis, N., Parsanoglou, D. and Tsianos, V. (2015). Mobile Commons, Migrant Digitalities And The Right To The City. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Lalenis, K. (2023). Post-democratic governance in refugee camps versus newcomers’ architectural housing commons in Athens and Thessaloniki. The Journal of Architecture, 28(1), 50-74.

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Kaika, M. (2022). The refugees’ right to the centre of the city. City branding versus city commoning in Athens. Urban Studies, 59(6), 1130–1147.

Tsavdaroglou, C. (2019). Reimagining a transnational right to the city: No Border actions and commoning practices in Thessaloniki. Social Inclusion, 7(2), 219–229.

Tsavdaroglou, C., Giannopoulou, C., Petropoulou, C. and Pistikos, I. (2019). Acts for refugees’ right to the city and commoning practices of care-tizenship in Athens, Mytilene and Thessaloniki. Social Inclusion, 7(4), 119–130.

Tsavdaroglou, C. (2018). The newcomers’ right to the common space: The case of Athens during the migrant crisis. ACME, 17(2), 376–401.

Vacca, R., Cañarte, D. and Vitale, T. (2022). Beyond ethnic solidarity: the diversity and specialisation of social ties in a stigmatised migrant minority. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(13), 3113-3141.