Haris Tsavdaroglou

Haris (Charalampos) Tsavdaroglou is PI in the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation research program: “Refugees’ solidarity city. Institutional policies and commoning practices in Athens, Mytilene and Thessaloniki” (RECITY) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and visiting professor on Human Geography at the School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University and Lecturer on Urban Planning at the Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly. Haris holds a PhD (2016) in Urban and Regional Planning, from School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During the academic years 2017-2022 he was Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Amsterdam and Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Thessaly, University of the Aegean and at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. His research interests include critical urban theory, autonomy of migration, intersectional, decolonial and affective geographies, the right to the city, common spaces versus spatial enclosures and urban social movements.

email: tsavdaroglou.ch@gmail.com

Latest publications

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Kaika, M. (2023). The Second Displacement of Refugees: Urban Regeneration Against Commoning Practices in Belgrade’s Waterfront. Antipode, DOI: 10.1111/anti.12971

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Lalenis, K. (2023). Post-democratic Governance in Refugee Camps versus Newcomers’ Architectural Housing Commons in Athens and Thessaloniki. The Journal of Architecture, 28(1), 50-74.

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Kaika, M. (2022). The Refugees’ Right to The Centre of the City. City Branding versus City Commoning in Athens. Urban Studies, 59(6), 1130-1147.

Tsavdaroglou, C. and Kaika, M. (2022). Refugees’ Caring and Commoning Practices Against Marginalisation Under COVID-19 in Greece. Geographical Research, 60(2), 232-240.

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